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The content on this page is/was composed entirely for comedic effect. Whether it be a funny ho ho or he he, one must not take anything said or done by this author seriously. Any person(s) without the ability to laugh and/or not limited to giggle, chuckle, howl, snicker, cackle, snort, smirk, grin should depart from this blog immediately and lighten up a little.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Balcony Panorama

So this is the view from Spencer's Balcony

Wait did you notice anything in there that didn't look right

See it yet?!?!
Lotus Hotel!?!

I guess IBM has realized that their horrible attempt at making a local mail client failed so miserably, they would take a shot at starting a local hotel chain.

Well sorry IBM, I have used enough versions of your product to not want to stay in your hotel for the following reasons.

  1. I don't want to try and open the door only to find the whole building collapse on my face

  2. I don't need to sign in using a signature masked by a bunch X's

  3. I don't want your bell boy's taking my luggage to archive it where I will never get it back... REPLICATE MY LUGGAGE!! AHRGH!

  4. I could do without the insanely slow check in times and general service

  5. I would constantly be afraid that the building would simply vanish causing me to fall 5 stories to the ground while looking at an error message that extends into the sky like some ladder into heaven

  6. I dont need you telling people I am unavailable 10 days after their initial request

  7. Update the fricking interior! It looks like the 80s in there

Well thats enough Lotus bashing for today!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Skytrain to Metrotown Centre

So I took the Skytrain to Metrotown today... for those of you not familiar with either, here's a brief summary.

The skytrain is not a train in the sky (like the picture I made a few posts below), but more of a computer controlled train that cruises around.  The cool thing is that it shows up every minute or so, so you don't have to wait long to get a ride.

I'm assuming that these trains run on something other than a microsoft based product as they don't run slowly and eventually crash.

That took me out to Burnaby where the second largest shopping mall in Canada is... the Metropolis at Metrotown.  Picture your regular mall joining copies of itself 3 more times, then stacking that ontop of itself 4 or so times.  It took a while to wander around the whole thing but it was pretty neat. You would like this mall if you like to shop... and if you can think of any store you like, well it's probably in here!  I was pretty confused on where I was going, wasn't there for any reason other than the weather wasn't so great and needed something to do. The only thing I was really there for was the court of food.

Once I found the food court it became my kind of mall, a mall of food. I came across this place called U-Grill.  Not sure why they call it that since U don't grill your food, but U do get to pick what THEY grill. So U get a little tray thing and get to pick from a huge assortment of meats, veggies and noodles.  Once U get what U like they weigh the dish and you pay something like 2 bucks per 100g. 

So after a drink mine came to a bagillion dollars but it was worth it.  While you pay one of the chef guys takes UR plate and grills it up for U.  A few minutes later U get to choose from 8, yes you read that right 8 different sauces to put on top.  I picked soy sauce (or red cap sauce as we like to call it in our daily work lunch crew) to go on top.  After that they throw it on (or scoop it up on) a bed of rice. 

After grabbin the plate I took a seat, took this pic and chowed down.

Not knowing what else to do I scrammed from the mall and wandered around the city taking more pics.  Eventually made my way into Stanley Park before I had to turn around and get back to meet up with Spencer.  So that was about it for today.  Stay tuned for another exciting day in the life of me in Vancouver!


I`m not sure what I am eating but it`s delicious.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vancouver Weather

Well... I probably don't need to say much else other than

Makes me wonder why they even bother having meteorologists out here

(Don't ever complain to me about the trackpoint until you draw with it)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Flight

So I had never been on a plane before so I wasn't sure what I was in for.  Well it was interesting to say the least... Sitting right next to the engine in a window seat made it a little more exiting.  Watching the wings bend and flex all over was very reassuring.  On the way I managed to grab a ton of pics which you can see in an album on the left side of the page.