Lots of people to thank here so I'll do it in a list.
- Everyone who nominated me and rooted for me to go!
- All the event co-ordinators who made it such a memorable experience for everyone, couldn't have made it any better
- The senior management for taking time to come out and hang out with us "non cool" senior management people ;)
- All the other guest speakers who shared their presentations with us!
- All the friendly staff at Le Chateau Fairmont, the transportation and event operators, all the restaurant staff, everybody else involved in taking care of us
- The bear
- All the SEC candidates! Keep rocking the excellence! It was great to meet such awesome like minded people
- To everybody reading this! I didn't just make all this so I could remember what I did... You all helped me get this far!
- Mom/Dad for giving me my stupid humor and satisfactory drawing skills
- Whoever else I missed and want's to be thanked for whatever reason!
See ya later blog, it's been fun.
Until next time!