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The content on this page is/was composed entirely for comedic effect. Whether it be a funny ho ho or he he, one must not take anything said or done by this author seriously. Any person(s) without the ability to laugh and/or not limited to giggle, chuckle, howl, snicker, cackle, snort, smirk, grin should depart from this blog immediately and lighten up a little.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Lots of people to thank here so I'll do it in a list.

- Everyone who nominated me and rooted for me to go!

- All the event co-ordinators who made it such a memorable experience for everyone, couldn't have made it any better

- The senior management for taking time to come out and hang out with us "non cool" senior management people ;)

- All the other guest speakers who shared their presentations with us!

- All the friendly staff at Le Chateau Fairmont, the transportation and event operators, all the restaurant staff, everybody else involved in taking care of us

- The bear

- All the SEC candidates! Keep rocking the excellence! It was great to meet such awesome like minded people

- To everybody reading this!  I didn't just make all this so I could remember what I did... You all helped me get this far!

- Mom/Dad for giving me my stupid humor and satisfactory drawing skills

- Whoever else I missed and want's to be thanked for whatever reason! 

See ya later blog, it's been fun.

Until next time!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Catch up time

Well... now that I'm back home and have some time to actually write in here, I figured I should go back and pretend I was writing my blog daily once I got to Whistler.

In reality they kept us so busy we pretty much woke up, ate and played all day, then came back to sleep!  So for those of you still visiting, I will play catch up and see what I can remember!

(I can make posts apear to be from specific dates and times so dig back to see what you missed)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Plane number 2

Well heading back home now...as much fun as these 2 weeks were it will be nice to go home and do nothing for a while. 

So here comes plane ride #2, should be fun.  We get to stop off in Calgary, which apparenly has been snowed on already.  I love flying in an iced up plane!