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The content on this page is/was composed entirely for comedic effect. Whether it be a funny ho ho or he he, one must not take anything said or done by this author seriously. Any person(s) without the ability to laugh and/or not limited to giggle, chuckle, howl, snicker, cackle, snort, smirk, grin should depart from this blog immediately and lighten up a little.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

SEC Survivor

Do you like reality TV?

Didn't think so... I mean it was kind of cool when it first came out, but now it's just been over done... Jumped the shark a long time ago. I'm not even going to begin trying to list all the shows that polute the airwaves, cablewaves and satellitewaves... so I'll let an internet site do it for me!

Regardless of all that, we took it to the next level and made SEC SURVIVOR! We had to survive being together outside in the nice sun, by the lake and mountains, playing fun games. I bet if we taped it, it would have been the next biggest show on TV.

After being put in to teams of 8 we competed to see who would win bragging rights to surviving, while the rest of us... uh.. didn't survive?  Or I guess they say voted off the island (Whistler?)  Well... even though most of us lost we still got to stay the rest of the week! How nice of the event planners

So we got to play games such as
- Balance on some logs while answering weird questions
- Build a McGuver like personel resucing device so we could combine our powers to solve great puzzles
- Walk blindfolded doing tasks insructed by a person that... instructs... from instructions.
- Find some letters in a bush... (HARD!)
- Make a team name, flag, cheer, and get some facepaint
- Memorize a bunch of things and do stuff with the thingymajiggers (ALSO HARD!)

After all that it came to a face off to eat stuff.  Not stuff like cow brains and goat intestines... but normal stuff like gummi worms and sausages.  It wasn't all easy stuff though.  The lucky ones got snails, shots of hot sauce and TRICKERY OREOS WITH WASABI INSIDE!

Normal Oreo...


I got 3 crackers with a nice topping of hot sauce... Wasn't so bad.  The best part was I BEAT YOU DAN GREENE HAH! TAKE THAT!

(Dan ate all of the challenges for his team... nobody knows how he is still alive, but there is a myth that his stomach is lined with golden tapeworms)

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