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The content on this page is/was composed entirely for comedic effect. Whether it be a funny ho ho or he he, one must not take anything said or done by this author seriously. Any person(s) without the ability to laugh and/or not limited to giggle, chuckle, howl, snicker, cackle, snort, smirk, grin should depart from this blog immediately and lighten up a little.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Woke up early this morning to take off to Vancouver Airport... or as some like to call it YVR.

Kinda makes me wonder how they come up with these short 3 letter names... What does YVR stand for?  Could it be, Your Vancouver Rocks?  Or how about Yellow Violet Red?  Surely there has to be some reason.  I know I could look it up online in a second but this is more fun.  Why don't they just name it like VAN or something, seems a lot easier to understand.

Once I get there I get to wait 3 hours till other fellow Guelphites arrive...

Then when they arrive I get to spend another 3 hours taking a nice scenic bus route to Whistler!

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